
At Audenshaw School, we are immensely proud to dedicate our time to supporting different charities.

Summer 2021 Every student in the school has voted to raise money for Barnabus a charity for the homeless and vulnerable.
During June 2021 AUDventure week will host several charity events to raise money for Barnabus including an escape room, sports activities and interactive stalls at lunchtime.
We have asked friends and family of Audenshaw School to donate items to our Mega Raffle that will be held in during this week.
These activities will be run and organised by our School Council and Prefect Team.

Previous Years


Our School Council has sat down to discuss different charities and have already decided on 3 for this school year.

Sam’s Gift- We will be rising money from The Chase where we see Mr. Whitehead as the Annihilator take on five of the school’s brightest students.

Future Perfect Project – We will be collecting art supplies in the lead up to Christmas to support people with art therapy in the lead up to Christmas.

Magical Moments- We have been set the challenge of raising £3000 in order to keep an activity centre open for a year in South Africa.


Active Audenshaw

On the 3 July 2019 the whole school participated in Active Audenshaw a day focussed on staff and students getting outside and getting active. The day was filled with activities for all the students starting off with a form time military style warmup. The students all stood in lines and tried to synchronise squats, star jumps and high kicks.

During period 1 over 400 children signed up with staff to run a 5K around the school,  During periods 2, 3 and 4 students were invited to participate in retro sports day including an egg and spoon race, tug of war and three legged race. The hula hoop skills of some of the boys were very impressive and we were really lucky that they worked as a team in the three legged race to avoid any injuries. At lunchtime all of the prefects ran their own stall which tested students strength, skill and balance. These included the popular hoop and shoot, welly wanging and football golf. The games were 50p a game where the students donated overwhelmingly to raise additional donations for the British Heart Foundation

The Royal British Legion

The year 7s hosted a cake sale where students baked and donated a wealth of different cakes to sell.

A group of Year 9 boys designed and created poppy badges, keyrings, hair bands and Christmas decorations to sell.

We also remembered those who fought in many wars by creating our own poppy wall in the main hall.

Tamside Food Bank 

We have yet again demonstrated our passion for charity in our winter term by collecting food hampers for local families this Christmas. We filled them each with enough food to provide those most in need in our community with a Christmas dinner along with food for the weeks to come.


We supported Emmaus by collecting warm winter wear such as thermals for our ‘Think Warm’ campaign, we even had parents knitting warm hats, scarfs and gloves.

Save the Children

Our annual Christmas Jumper Day was yet again another success.


In September 2017 the School Council and Prefects voted to support the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital as this year’s chosen charity. We ran the ‘Crazy for Christmas’ campaign throughout November and December.

As a school we donated hundreds of presents to the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital. Several of our prefects went to the hospital to drop off the gifts and were fortunate to be shown around some of the wards. We also hosted our annual Christmas Jumper Day in support of the cause.

In December 2017, students across the school spent countless lunchtimes learning to master the technique of knitting. The squares they produced were donated to a local group called the Neo-Natal Knitters who distributed the blankets to local premature baby units.

We also donated over 50 shoe boxes filled with gloves, hats, dried food, and toiletries to Lifeshare Ltd, a charity that supports those who are homeless and vulnerable in the Manchester and Salford area.


Mission Macmillan

Last year Macmillan Tameside set us the challenge of raising £5000 towards their new Tameside Cancer Support Unit. We were extremely excited when our final total reached over £9090. Over the year we reached our target through several coffee mornings, our Mega Macmillan Raffle, Christmas Jumper Days, Wear Green for a £1, the one-hundred-mile challenge, bike rides, swim events, Sixth Form pinball machines, sports day obstacle course and the £10 challenge. We are so immensely proud of our students for over exceeding our original target. We were recognised by Macmillan for our charitable donations by our school name being put on a plague in the Tameside Cancer Unit.

Tameside Food Bank

During the month of December 2016 students collected tins and dried foods in order to support those most in need during the winter months. We collected over 2000 items that were donated to the food bank.

Other years we have supported campaigns such as:

Our Kids Eyes, School Aid, Barnabus Homeless charity,Save the Children, Key 103’s Mission Christmas,Teenage Cancer Trust.

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