Learning Support/SEND – Local Offer

Learning Support/SEND: Our School Provision

The Learning Support Department is led by our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo) Ms Heavey and supported by our committed team of Learning Support Assistants (LSA’s). The department works with special educational needs and disability (SEND) students in the classroom, through individual and small group interventions. We also offer pastoral support for our more vulnerable students at break and lunch time: in ‘The Hub,’ students enjoy socialising with each whilst enjoying a variety of different games and activities.

We communicate regularly with our parents and carers: each term, a report is sent home which gives you data on a student’s attendance, behaviour and rewards data, academic progress and end of year targets. This also includes information about your son’s ‘Attitude to Learning’ in his different subjects. All parents/carers are also invited to a ‘Year Ahead Meeting’ evening in September. If at any point during the academic year we have concerns about your son’s progress, you may also be asked to attend a meeting with the relevant member of staff to discuss both short- and long-term targets to steer them in the right direction.

The school also communicates important information- and celebrates successes- through the school’s various social media forum, our “Class charts” app, text or email.

The Learning Support Department also works closely with the school’s Pastoral Team to support the emotional wellbeing and mental health of our SEND students. We may utilise the services of the School Pastoral Support Worker, Inclusion Officer, Attendance Officer, the school nurse and our RELATE counsellor if we feel that this will further help students to thrive at Audenshaw School.

For Tameside’s SEND offer, please visit: www.tameside.gov.uk/localoffer

Audenshaw School works with Tameside Educational Psychology Service, please see https://www.tameside.gov.uk/education/psychologyservice

Tameside Thrive document, please visit: https://www.tameside.gov.uk/TamesideMBC/media/policy/SCHOOL-AGE-(Tameside).pdf

How will the school know what needs my child has?

If a student is known to have a SEND when they arrive at Audenshaw School, the Learning Support Department will:
– use the information from primary school to provide appropriate intervention and support.
– visit the primary school prior to a Year7 starting in September meet with Year 6 teachers to ensure that appropriate transition arrangements are made.
– ensure ongoing observation and assessment feedback about which level of intervention is appropriate and its impact on student’s learning.
– where appropriate, set up an initial transition meeting with parents/carers and relevant agencies to discuss plans for both assessments and reviews.

What types of support might my child receive?

Wave 1: Differentiated lessons, planned and delivered as part of high-quality teaching in the classroom.

Wave 2: Targeted use of additional support in the classroom. This can involve a smaller class size, a Learning Support Assistant working alongside the teacher to further help and support identified students. This can also include any additional support offered outside the immediate classroom, such catch up sessions in spelling, reading comprehension or handwriting. This can take place during morning registration or after school. Some withdrawals may be from mainstream lessons.

Wave 3: Specialised sessions or interventions to support young people with their learning or social skills. In some cases, on a one to one basis. Any withdrawal will be carefully considered and parents/carers will be informed before arrangements are put in place.

All interventions will be reviewed and evaluated regularly to track progress using the assess, plan, do and review process.

Interventions for students can also include:

– Literacy support including programmes such as Lexia;
– Numeracy support including the SSER Numeracy Programme;
– Lexonik Leap for students with low reading and comprehension levels;
– Small nurture Maths & English groups;
– Literacy support for students when students have English as an additional language;
– An inclusive games club during social times, including access to our bespoke “Hub”

Parents/carers are able to contact the school by email or telephone to arrange an appointment to speak to the SENDCo or any other relevant member of our Learning Support Team. Ms Heavey’s email address is as follows: [email protected]

Transition from Primary School

The SENDCo and key members of the Learning Support Department collect specific SEND information from primary schools as soon as students are allocated a place at Audenshaw School. A member of the department will contact the primary school to see if a visit to meet students, class teachers and parents/carers would be useful in supporting the student’s transition to secondary school.

Furthermore, staff also support our students with SEND in planning for post 16 education and/or employment. Local post 16 providers visit the school and students are encouraged to visit their open days; post 16 providers also attend Parents’ Evenings in Year 10 and 11. The school works closely with local post 16 providers and they frequently run subject based sessions in school.

The school also provides all students with access to our Careers’ Advisor who can guide them in making applications to post 16 education or training.

Furthermore, the Pastoral Team be contacted and offer support for students and parents/carers with anxieties or worries about school, home life and friendships etc.

My child has an EHCP, will we still have annual reviews?

Yes, your new educational health care plan reviews will be conducted by the school’s SENDCO. Before the review date, parents/carers and external agencies (where involved) will be invited to the meeting. Parents/carers will also be invited to send their views into school prior to the meeting.

External agencies will be asked to submit their most up to date reports if these have not already been received by the school; prior to the meeting date, a standardised sheet for collecting information from teachers will be circulated. The student will also be asked to provide their views

At the meeting, all documentation will be reviewed with the parent/carer and student. This will include targets, external agency reports, teacher comments, Learning Support Assistant comments, parent/carer comments and the student’s own views. The meeting will be minuted and copies sent to all parties.

Will my child get support in tests and examinations?

Some students may have additional access arrangements. These will need to be their “usual way of working” and not just for external examinations. The SENDCO will work with teaching staff to determine what this may look like for your child. You will be informed of any access arrangements your child will qualify for.

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