Safeguarding and Student Support
Our safeguarding team
If you have any safeguarding concerns, or want to report a worry, you can speak with any of our safeguarding leads. You can also share with any member of staff. They will make sure all concerns are passed on to the appropriate people.
You can also use our anonymous reporting tool , here on our website. ‘Need to Report’ confidential reporting.
You could access any of the helplines and services below.
Mental Health and Well Being support for students and families.
At Audenshaw School the emotional health and well-being of all of students is at the centre of everything we do. Our aim is to identify and support every student.
We have a dedicated pastoral team who welcome their form group each morning. Alongside their statutory duties, such as taking registers, they also deliver character sessions that focus on independence, confidence and emotional resilience and, they are also the first port of call for any concerns or worries that students may have. All of our staff have received training including raising safeguarding concerns, the teenage brain, and the effect of adverse childhood experiences. The school is currently working towards the ‘Emotionally Friendly Schools Award’.
In addition, all of our students receive weekly timetabled sessions (Curriculum for Life) which covers physical and emotional health, sex and relationships, and staying safe online.
Alongside this, our Year Teams work closely with both students and their families to offer support wherever it may be needed, including working alongside external agencies who may also be able to offer support.
We are focused on ensuring our students can thrive and we are we are able to offer students access to a wide range of services, such as:
A team of mental health first aiders
A school counsellor
Bereavement Counselling
NHS Mental Heal Support worker sessions
School Nurse
PRU Outreach worker
In addition we also signpost students, parents and carers to Tameside’s guide to getting advice and support.
Click here to download the full guide