
Dear Parent / Guardian,

From September 2023 we will be moving from the SIMs app and ShowMyHomework to one system – ClassCharts. This system will communicate all of our attendance, behaviour, achievement and homework information.

We believe in working closely with parents and carers and one of the key benefits of using ClassCharts is that we are able to securely share your child(s) information with you in real-time, on one platform.

Each parent/ carer and child has a unique access code that will be sent shortly (please check your emails) .Once you have been issued with a code, you will need to create an account and enter the code here:

You will also find a guide for parents that explains the system and links to the Android and iOS parent apps are also available from this page.

If you have more than one child in the school, you can enter additional codes directly into your created account.

Please do get in touch if you have any questions.

Miss Breakell

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