
Terry Hall MBE – Chair of Governors

Terry is the Chair of Governors and also chairs the Personnel Committee and is a member of the Standards & Resources Committees.

Terry is our Safeguarding Link Governor.

Mr Hall is contactable by e-mailing [email protected] with the subject heading ‘Message for Mr Hall’.

Brian Miller – Vice Chair of Governors

Brian is the Vice Chair of Governors and is a member of the Personnel and Standards Committees.

Brian is our SEND Link Governor.

Brian is married to Glynis Miller – Trust Governor.

Ken Brown – Trust Governor

Ken is the Chair of the Resource Committee.
He is also a member of the Personnel Committee.

Ken is our Audit Link Governor.

Tim Gartside – Trust Governor

Tim is the Chair of the Standards Committee.

Tim is also our Quality of Education Link Govenor.

Glynis Miller – Trust Governor

Glynis is a member of the Resources Committee.

Glynis is married to Brian Miller – Vice Chair.

Fozia Naveed – Parent Governor

Fozia is a member of the Resources Committee.

Fozia is our Behaviour Link Governor.

Ms A Dankwah – Trust Governor

Ms Dankwah is a member of the Resources Committee.

Nicola Welland – Trust Governor

Nicola is a member of the Standards Committee.

Nicola is also our Careers Link Governor.

Andrew France – Parent Governor