Teaching & Learning

Audenshaw School Teaching and Learning Vision Statement

Our core purpose is to provide high quality teaching and learning for every single student.

Teaching and support colleagues are wholeheartedly committed to ensuring that a high-quality curriculum is delivered to all students. Colleagues are supported to do this effectively using research and pedagogy that impacts students’ learning, knowledge and subsequent achievement. Teaching at Audenshaw School is driven by our values, Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. These values underpin our attitude to learning strategy. The full policy provides an outline of the ways in which we, as a single academy trust, will support staff to be the most effective teachers and the pedagogy and principles that we believe will be most effective in the delivery of the curriculum- for all of our students.

The policy is a live document and may be added to as the need arises to support best practice. The policy is also intended to support the creation of a lively and innovative teaching community that sets out the highest of ambition for every single student. We believe in a professional culture of teaching staff continually wanting to improve upon their practice. In order to achieve this all staff will; engage with the CPD Curriculum within Audenshaw School to be more effective in their classrooms and successfully impact upon student learning, use information about students’ needs to tailor instruction and design appropriate tasks, understand the equalities act and make reasonable adjustments for students with additional needs.

Teachers will hold high expectations for all students within our organisation and use evidence informed strategies to ensure all students can learn effectively. Teachers on the Upper Pay Spine make a ‘substantial and sustained contribution’ to teaching and learning by supporting colleagues, including those who are less experienced, to develop their practice. All staff engage fully with the CPD curriculum to benefit their own development and students’ learning.

Learning at Audenshaw School is an enriching experience, students are energised and challenged by our learning offer, they learn with purpose, enquiry and unrelenting passion- inspired by their teachers. Teachers’ are expected to maximise the trust instilled within us from our parent and carer community to enable students to access high quality resourced activity, sequenced carefully to develop and aid progress, students will be expected to engage, excel and regard learning (both inside and outside of the classroom), as a way in which they can grow and increase their own self-esteem through rich knowledge, skills and engagement across all subjects.

At Audenshaw School many leaders have a responsibility for ensuring that teaching is effective and teachers have the right support and conditions to provide excellent teaching and learning experiences for students.

Great leaders are needed to create the conditions for great teaching and great classrooms. Every teacher is a leader of learning. In order for teachers to flourish, leaders must ensure that the conditions for effective teaching are right. Leaders are role-model engagement in research around student learning and work to disseminate best practice and key knowledge to their staff. Leaders have absolute clarity as to what excellent education should look like in their school, for all year groups and in each subject area. Leaders ensure that the curriculum taught focuses upon powerful knowledge and experiences that build students’ cultural capital. Leaders must provide environments which manage student behaviour, promoting and developing positive learning behaviours and focus from students.

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