Student Leadership

At Audenshaw School, we strive to offer all of our students opportunities to demonstrate their leadership skills, to lead on change and to ensure the voice of all students is heard.

We offer an extensive range of opportunities that include roles such as the Prefect team and School Council. These teams take responsibility for whole school charity initiatives ; organising fund-raising events; lead assemblies, increase community links; collect and share student voice; ; act as peer mentors, guides and ambassadors; support the management of whole school events, and help shape school initiatives. In addition, the Student Council have been elected by their peers to represent their year group and school. Throughout the year there will be opportunities to discuss their ideas, to collect feedback from their year group discussions and then present them to the other council members who will then decide on and prioritise actions.

Outside of these key roles, students are also able to support key curriculum areas and the well-being of others through a range of groups below:

Emotional Wellbeing Ambassadors

LGBTQ Ambassadors

STEM Ambassadors

Sports Coaches

Character Ambassadors

Duke of Edinburgh Award

Year 7 Buddies

Reading Partners.

Students interested in these roles will be encourage by their Form Leaders and Year Leaders and are regularly recognised and rewarded for their contributions to the school and the wider community.

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